Monday, May 02, 2005

the first of May

Children used to put flowers on someone's doorstep, ring the doorbell and run away.
The first of May is a Bee Gees song from their first album. I have listened to it a few times in my car this week, singing, remembering most of the words.
First of May, I still loved the song.
Each day I think spring must have peaked because it cannot get more beautiful than this. My dogwoods, all 2 of them, are blooming and I know any day now the blossoms will fall to the ground. They are there out my back windows and I get to look at them from my dining rooom and kitchen windows. I am excited about the baby dogwood that has shown up on the little slope beyond my back fence. It is the perfect size to dig up and transplant in front where the other one died. The rain from the weekend means the ground will be soft and now is the time to do this. But I think I won't get to it today because I need to steer my locomotive towards my writing of the newsletter that will be sent in one form or another.

I have been writing.
I have decided to write my newsletter as if to my best pal from College, Em.
That will bring out the honesty I want to put out there.
That will keep me from trying to please the various sectors of my readership, the former supporters of our ministry.
That will help me to just write.
This is the adjustment I made with my coach.
Here's an idea. Send a brief newsletter and include a printed copy of the "I hate to be told this too shall pass" post. Hmmmmm.
I've been recovering my email addresses from my old hard drive files one at a time. I've been sending an invitation to read my blog.
so far the responses are in 2 categories:
1. concern for my safety and 2. laughing hysterically with me (that's my response)
I can't wait for more responses.
I hope God doesn't give me more good writing material too soon or too often! I have plenty of past stories, Lord, OK?
I think He knows how much I can handle.

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