I pined for my dog who is now in doggie heaven, if there were such a place, in which she would be either not biting people, or biting them and having it make them laugh with glee, since heaven is a place where God fixes things up, right? No, I don't believe either of those things.
So I searched and tried out a new dog, and yet it is not time to commit, due to more important decisions that need to be made first.
Excuse me, Feelings, I have a surprise for you: being dogless is on the same page as being productive. Feelings said: if I had a dog again, it would ease my discomfort and unhappiness and that that would motivate me to do more and better work. When the yipping and whining subsides, the Truth quietly reveals that doing the work reduces the felt need for that warm, waggy-tailed loyal buddy.
So the work (painting/marketing) comes first, and satisfaction is there. A new dog will be icing on the cake.
I still look at Petfinder. I peek into animal shelters if I'm not too rushed. But it is not time.
It is time to paint.
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