Friday, November 27, 2009
What's a mother to do?
So thankful there is a cure chapter following the diagnosis chapter.
You have adult children. ADULT I said. You watch their decisions. Your experience tells you that perhaps theirs is not the best decision. You get it that the time for you to verbalize this is past. Well, of course you can pray. And you do know that it is God Who works inside people to grow them. Every day, new opportunities to put this conviction into action, by NOT ACTING (not lecturing, not trying to manipulate, not even saying what you think about things). They already know what you think about it. Some would argue with me about this..." once a mom, always a mom", "you never stop being a mother", "you always love them"right? My challenge is to define love. Is not God's design to grow the kids up to become mature self sustaining adults?
I slip up many times. I apologize for words that come out of my mouth that are in the lecture category. My sweet kids forgive me, and my sweet God, Who is in the business of Redemption, redeems again. We go on.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Used car salesman. and saleswoman. What comes to your mind. Should I write this? Should I diss these guys that are 'just trying to earn a buck?' They have such ploys. And of course, some will try to tell you to buy a new car. Aresenio. i told him I am not in a hurry. But I AM, he said, thinking he was funny. Not going back there. Search all day on internet....get in and go to some dealerships during rush hour (so logical). Two were Christian. One may be able to get me one like mine at the auction next week. That'd be great. There is one with low mileage and low price but they did not answer their phone. Why does it have to be silver? D hugged me twice when i made jokes with him. I thought it was totally cultural for him and very unprofessional.....llike, you're so funny, I'm just going to fall on you and hug your neck. Go away please, I'm not your best friend. That's part of their training, act like best buds. Then whathisname and I talked about how great XM radio is and he raved about Howard Stern and I thought: I want to go home now. I don't want to buy a car from you. Good to have my son help me decide. I'm paying for my own car rental now. I think of how nice hondas and toyotas and some of the others are but I can't imagine them handling like my vw. I really want to replace that car, even if it has to be older. Then there was Earl with long fingernails and bloodshot eyes. Nice enough, the car I went to look at was already sold. But he did have a vw out there we looked at. And I even searched in DC and Indy in case I could go visit loved ones and drive a new car home cuz there are not many jetta wagons around and the passat is pricey. He gives and takes away. he gives and takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord. Then we have the girl, who was interested in painting, but my! She told me to come out there and then she had no vw's on the lot. She made me sit down at her desk and talk about what i wanted, which I had already told her on the phone. She was very slow and I heard her discussing unimportant things with her coworkers while I waited to go look at the maybe one car they actually had there. just annoying. don't want to deal with her either. And they have to go and talk to the manager. And the manager calls me into his office and gives me his out the door price. You gotta be kidding. I think you came down a whole dollar. thanks. patience, child, and trust.
Monday, August 03, 2009
Maine 09
A long drive. Up the Eastern Shore was very pleasant, NJ Turnpike tolls have gone up a lot. Overnight overpriced in Connecticut. Topsham at my sister's. Our kids are married to each other and we don't have a word for it in English, so we have decided on sister. We argue over her desire to be a wonderful hostess, which she is, and my desire not to make trouble for her. Brandy the sheltie is ever beautiful and sweet. Stuffed haddock. Heaven.
I commute to Owl's Head which provides me with 2 extra hours each day seeing Maine from Rt. 1. Second week I am at Lake Crawford, which is mostly hid from me via rain and fog. Cozy cabin of knotty pine that smells like my Grandma's house. My room is very dark at night and makes for great sleeping. An erie owl echoes over the unseen lake.
I never quite seemed to get organized in my car and of course I brought too much, but the second week I settle in better and I like my paintings.
A thumbnail is going into the demo book of my teacher. I am honored and blessed.
He said such nice things about my work, beyond my understanding, as I am pretty uneducated in art history, but I take it as a gift and I want to share it, not hoard it.
There is too much to write & I must move on. What comes to my mind, all those grays and how to make them luminous. Fish every day. Nice people in the class. David gives and gives and gives the entire time, but I wish he would find me every day and comment and help me with my paintings. He said at the end I just get better and better every year and that I should try to enter something in the National Academy. I will.
Monday, June 08, 2009
See Good, Speak Good, Hear Good
John said he wrote so that our joy/ his joy? may be complete, they had some joy and it could always grow until it is full up, pressed down, shaken together and running over. plenty! John emphasized that he heard, saw, touched Jesus, implying those gnostics, those gnasty gnostics, are wrong to teach spirit is good and physical is bad. If so then Jesus would have been bad. They somehow could not accept that Jesus came in the flesh, cuz they were men and they knew themselves and they therefore had first hand evidence that all men are dogs, (sorry guys, I love ya anyway, but it's true) they tried to get their mind around this and couldn’t so they concluded that therefore since Jesus is good, he must not be physical, cuz HE was sinless, as in not a dog, not like other men.
One thing they got, He was not like the rest of us. But John brought us back to reality and said, yes, he is, that’s just it, isn’t it amazing and you gotta get this in order for your joy to be complete and in order for us to have fellowship. if them gnasty gnostics wanna make up stuff like Jesus didn’t have an actual physical body then what was it I SAW and HEARD and TOUCHED with my own two grubby little hands? LOGIC. man! Use your brains. They were using their brains and came up with a fancy idea that was unfortunately plenty fancy and zero true.
Go, John, thank you for writing this down in a letter so that we can still benefit from is all these years later.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
To Finish a Painting
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
By the Oaks of Mamre
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
From Calm my Anxious Heart homework, chapter on FAITH.
Each week we write: What did I learn about God this week?
He sometimes uses spooky seeming things to make His point with us). He sent 3 men to Abraham and he recognized them as messengers from God even though they are not called angels. He treated them as such. Weird, it comes across to me. Now that I have had my own weird experience, I should not see this as spooky, but I do.
It comes across as a oneironaut, a waking dream. It was in the heat of the day--no breeze, all still save the cicadas in the trees around the oasis, resting in the door of his tent, shade and breeze best there. Wavy images over the sand. Is this a heat dream, as compared to heat lightening?
Looking at the context: Abraham, and all his men, had they been circumcised. It comes immediately after in the text, though that is not proof that it happened right then. That just means, this is the next story that is written down. But I am curious.
Are they reeling from pain? Were they on Canaan aspirin to numb the pain? drunk? That could produce some weird dreams.
They had obeyed God. Every male was circumcised. Then God visited them with the specific promise about SARAH, not Hagar, that their son would become a multitudinous nation. After some time they tried to fulfill that promise by surrogate mother Hagar. Then God said circumcise and they obeyed and then God clarified His intent: Sarah is to be the mom.
God still used Sarah even though she laughed in disbelief when she first heard of His plan and then LIED: "I didn’t laugh"....not looking too Godly at that point. But by the next year she gave birth in old age. She had grown in faith. I'm thinking Sarah is blown away by God’s faithfulness.
God has a sense of humor, yes, but he reprimanded Sarah for her lack of belief, her lack of taking God’s word from His messengers seriously. Can you blame her? Yet God blamed her. But He did not punish her, nor did He change His plan.
Companion question: What did you learn about yourself this week?
As with Sarah, God is with me, come as you are, imperfect, as is, scratch and dent. I used to pray "I believe, help Thou mine unbelief." I did not believe whole heartedly. And He helped my unbelief. He took my mustard seed faith and made it grow. It is growing into a big ole tree that birds can build nests in. Lord, may my little birdies nest in my tree, which is rooted in You. And I thank You for this. You made me, You redeemed me, You gave me my family, You graduated Rick to heaven and You became my husband. You sent men to help me do things men do best. You made my son Andrew to step up, You made him faithful like his dad. You blessed me with grand babies. You coached me; you sent me Ron Marsh (Christian life coach: You gave me a life purpose. Hallelluiah. You gave me my ability to see beauty and the eye-hand coordination to but my interpretation of that beauty on paper. You did this.
And how does it make sense that I still worry about money? (This is the inheritance that my physical father gave me: you need to have plenty of money--- though at age 97 it is about family.)
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Given all that has transpired
Monday, May 04, 2009
The Un-Dog
I pined for my dog who is now in doggie heaven, if there were such a place, in which she would be either not biting people, or biting them and having it make them laugh with glee, since heaven is a place where God fixes things up, right? No, I don't believe either of those things.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
Assignment: Write a paragraph outlining how you will Search your heart, or cut the ropes, or Submit to plastic surgery, or Share Your Wealth. --page 228, #7. of Calm My Anxious Heart, by Linda Dillow (Women's Bible study I am in at church) I chose
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
yet another silly poem
Once upon a time there was
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Bird Dog
Urgent! one year old black lab needs home.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Zoie, a Corny Poem
Zoie had a bath today.