Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Time Out?

Today was a women's business seminar at my workplace. I signed up because I am the creative type who is clueless about business. If I am going to make a living being creative I NEED HELP in marketing. It was very good.

Now I plunked myself into one of our brand new wheelchairs and everyone kindly tried to push me, but I said it's good exercize to walk myself around--I have to wear my air cast for 6 weeks and I don't want my muscles to atrophy. I could feel it in my hamstrings.

First, making a business plan, which is what my realtor told me I needed the last time I talked to her: I want to downsize and use the money from the sale of my home to live on while I build my new career: writing and art (and always on the back burner...life coaching).

All the details were there -- more than she could cover but we have the hand-out. Many there were already in business and a good number of us want to start one.

Next was I forget the name, but the presenter was just a delightful person, someone I'd love to be friends with, a lady, a sibling of 8! She talked more in a fireside manner of speaking. She was slender and lovely and sat still. I wished I had a sketch-pad to draw her right then and there. You build relationships and it's not all about getting stuff from others, but about giving and sharing.

Third I went to was about the who, what, when, why, where and how of business. I think it was about continuing once you've gotten yourself started up. You wake up in the morning and ask yourself why am I doing this? She told us you will be all excited at first with your new energy but when it gets tedious you will ask yourself why in the world am I doing this? And you must keep going.

Lunch -- I ended up sitting with 3 other co-workers and one I did not even know worked with me though she has been there longer than I. Ooops.

Then I chose to attend 'how to get capital'. Informative. I intend to use my profit from my home, but on down the line they say you may be needing more and so I took notes on where to get it and what the risk factors are and the advantages of the different sources of capital.

5th was about balance and spiritual stuff. Felt very, very new agey, but I agree with the positive impact of love and the dissing of fear factors in your heart. Did not agreee that we are all connected and have all we need. At times she sounded like she could be a great African-American preacheress in a prosperity theology church....but she had ideas I agreed with: It's about love and giving not material hoarding.

So the entire group gathered again and more prizes were handed out. I had met one woman who sells art but I think only African-American art. I made a mental note to get myself a SCORE mentor and hire my artist life coach...it makes a lot of sense now.

I recalled my last conversation with my daughter far away who actually said out loud the 'starving artist' fear. She does not believe. But I shall ask her to believe and I shall not listen when she says no.

I wonder what my true dream is. If I am not painting, why? Do I really want to have a mountain retreat house and keep painting on the side? Do I want people? I saw my young single mom friend today at a traffic light. I honked gently but was unable to get her attention. I care what happens to her. I worry when she calls me. I sense she needs professional help, which I am not.

I went away with a 'free' business bag full of office type gifts and pamphlets with lots and lots of information. I am happy I went and sorry my daughter could not get off work to go with me. She would have been the youngest there I'm sure. Maybe next time.

It was a great success. I look forward to succeeding as artist and author and coach.

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