Saturday, November 18, 2006

Kathy's house 2

Still learning how hello, picasa and bloggerbot work. Tried to post the first washes of this painting, but didn't click enough times I guess. At any rate, here is the more abstracted version of Kathy's house. The photo I took made it easy.

Things to adjust: roof color & shadow color.
Definitely want to paint this again and try:
1. large size version
2. realistic colors
3. corrected drawing; I made a major drawing error.
4. add some more red?

I loved this immediately. It has what I love about many of David's Maine paintings, the brilliant sun on buildings.

Doing the color work that has been done so far made difference between this painting and the first one of Kathy's house because of the fact that I did TRY to make the colors balance. Though I am not yet satisfied, the initial color group works a lot better than the first painting. I'm anxious to get back to it and see what it takes to finish it and then do another version.

When I scanned it in black and white, I was surprised that the bright yellow looks the same value as the shadows. Hmmmm.Posted by Picasa

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