Saturday, May 28, 2011

the Land of Spanish Moss & Scratchy Grass

aka, Florida.

the only recent pictures I have are on my phone, so I'm putting in one from December 2011, the last time we took Daddy on an outing to the Nature place.

I have moved in with my 99 year old Dad.

I am settling in. After one week, we slept in hospital for one week. Back home again and doing great for his age. Infection appears to be gone, skin wounds healing. He does not know me wholly, but he knows me some how. Dementia takes your memory a little at a time, which is sad to see, but it has not got all of him.

We play football with a nerf ball and he fakes to the nurse and throws to me. Vestiges of humor. He is aware that I am around.

I am slowly getting more comfortable with helping the private nurses to handle him, move him, roll him, try to calm him when he flails and cusses like a sailor.

It is good to have this time to get to know him even if he is different. I am glad to be here with him and for him.

He knows the nurses though he could not name any of them. He is familiar with them and likes them all; they love him. They cook him 3 meals a day and he eats like a horse. THAT is good!

God is gracious.