Now it is my turn. I went to help care for my dad who is now 95. We have caregivers 24/7 but the burden is still on my sister, who lives there, ultimately for all big and small decisions. Four years ago when my dad had a stroke and mom was dying, we had brought him home from a rehab center and hired full time nurses. Over the next year he healed from his stroke, but his dementia remains. One thing he has not lost is his sense of humor.
I do not know how this would come across to someone who does not know my dad, but he is full of corny jokes and puns. Clever things, sometimes, like:
So I went down in Novemeber to help my sister care for him and I took one turn as the night nurse. I said to him: "Now, Daddy, I'm going to be in this bed right over here. If you need anything, just holler. But no cussing; I don't answer to cussing." And what did he say in response? He said,
"OK, no damn cussing."